Swift progress is being made doing up our wonderful new space… After some discussion, we decided not to paint the studio ourselves. That was our original plan – and we even had some of our lovely friends volunteer to help. On thinking it through, however, we realised that the time we’d spend doing it would mean it would be more cost effective to hire decorators. Also, they would do a better job than us.

This is where it’s at so far…

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Roya Brehl Shared Studio Space

Check out the pics below and you can read/view all my posts about this here

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