My Vinyl Emoji Hell

October 25, 2022By RoyaNonsense, Rants, Rants and Raves No Comments

I collect ‘first world problems’. By that, I don’t mean that I aim to be disgruntled by trivial nonsense. What I mean is that I see my own absurdity when this happens, and I tend to remember things that make me laugh. At the end of last year, I moved to a new flat, and … Read More

The Trickle Down Effect

October 23, 2022By RoyaRants, Social & Political No Comments

There won’t be a German Market in Leeds this year, and the council have announced that Bonfire Night festivities are not taking place either. I am pretty gutted about both, and I would not have gone to either. The reasons Leeds City Council have given for the market not happening are ‘the cost of foreign … Read More

Tower Works

October 2, 2022By RoyaRants, Rants and Raves No Comments

I’ve had many rants about property developers, often because their plans are a cultural wrecking ball, and they force the closures of venues that are integral to our music scene. Sometimes, it’s because they pay no respect to architecture that deserves preservation, and sometimes it’s just because they destroy a beautiful skyline. I wanted to … Read More

Oh, Facebook, Why?

March 26, 2022By RoyaRants, Rants and Raves, Social & Political No Comments

I’m not one for wild conspiracy theories, but I did briefly wave my fists in the air earlier and wonder if Facebook is funded by Russia (I don’t actually think it is, it just doesn’t work very well). Here’s my rant… I’m organising (with the help of many other good people) a charity fundraiser for … Read More

On the Spectrum

December 27, 2021By RoyaRants, Rants and Raves 2 Comments

I was sat on a train, on the day before Christmas Eve, eavesdropping on a conversation. Within the space of about sixty seconds, these two guys had diagnosed themselves with autism, OCD, and bi-polar disorder. A while back, after someone saying that his girlfriend was bi-polar, a friend of mine quipped “Why do all women … Read More