The Opiate of the Masses

April 10, 2019By RoyaLifestyle, Reflections No Comments

My mate Brett used to say ‘That’s dead seventies’ about anything he thought of as grim or old fashioned. ‘I think TV is dead seventies’ I said to him one day. ‘Like things still being on at particular times and just that people watch it at all.’ I’ve always found the notion of watching TV … Read More

Controversial, but…

April 10, 2019By RoyaLifestyle, Reflections No Comments

The other day I made someone chuckle because they said something about feminists and I apparently pulled a face of disgust. “So you’re not a feminist, then?” my friend asked, laughing. “God no!” I said. This kind of response from me is usually either met with amusement or horror, so I feel I should maybe … Read More